Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Daily Poems

For the last few weeks, I've been trying to do what I did in college for a quarter: write a poem a day. Of course, maybe only one of out five poems are actually worth reading. But they all have been worth writing. So, I think I may post my favorite poem of the week, once a week. Here goes.

Carpe poem.



At night, if I can hear past 
the static of traffic, the vehicular whooshes, 
I can perceive the leaves warming up wood-
wind wayward warbles, susurrus fast,
now slow and low beneath the tender twine tunings
of maple, apple, pine. 

They are rehearsing for the morning concert,
performing ordinances set before time, when time
signatures held their authorial sway and way, 
way before it was called night and day. 

There was a Voice in the seasons
that sung into motion stallion clouds, clung
dew to trifoliate clover, flung the constellation
into sky-sea, rippling melodies from rain-drops
that have fallen on my thinning hair, clods of hair
pointing out my anointing.

In these songs sung without tongue,
but hummed in heart, what part 
will I harmonize with, with what end
shall I start as though I had never started,
never ended, never parted?

So at night, as I distinguish these sounds, 
distilling them into coherence, hearing
the mild breathing and stirring of the woman
you have given me, herself warming up for her
tomorrow, the silence before the silences, 

perhaps this night, my heart has had its last rehearsal. 

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